Dead by Daylight Wiki
Quotes left Algo, o más bien alguien, está aquí ahora. Nunca había visto antes esta... Forma. Un hombre que se esconde detrás de una máscara. Viene con una determinación. Pero lo que es más preocupante, viene con una aparente comprensión de la caza. No me parece alguien que haya venido de mala gana a este lugar. ¿Hay más en este ser de lo que puedo imaginar? Quotes right
~ Desconocido (Posiblemente Benedict Baker)
Quotes left Me encontré con él, hace quince años; Me dijeron que no dejó nada atrás; sin razón, sin conciencia, sin entendimiento; e incluso el sentido más rudimentario de la vida o la muerte, del bien o del mal. Me encontré a este niño de seis años, con ese rostro pálido, inexpresivo y sin emociones, y los ojos negros... los ojos del diablo. Pasé ocho años tratando de llegar a él, y luego otros siete tratando de mantenerlo encerrado porque me di cuenta de que lo que estaba viviendo detrás de los ojos de ese chico era pura y simplemente... maldad. Quotes right
~ Dr. Sam Loomis
La Forma
SH charSelect portrait
Michael Myers
"Hombre del Saco" | "Acechador"
Mal Interior
Cuchillos de Cocina
Velocidad de Movimiento IconHelp movementSpeed
105% | 4.2m/s (MI I)
Velocidad de Movimiento
115% | 4.6m/s (MI II & III)
The HALLOWEEN® Chapter
Actor de voz
Frédéric Poirier
Referencia interna
Slasher Character 05

Michael Myers o "La Forma" es uno de los 37 Asesinos IconHelpLoading killer de Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.

Fue introducido como el Asesino del CAPÍTULO II: The HALLOWEEN® Chapter, un DLC Capítulo publicado el 25 de octubre de 2016.

Su origen es la franquicia de Películas de Terror de 1978 con el mismo nombre, Halloween.

Visión General[]

La Forma es un Asesino inquietante que se dedica a acechar a los supervivientes a cierta distancia para alimentar su poder, Mal interior Unknown QuestionMark. Cuanto más tiempo está al acecho, más fuerte y rápido se vuelve.

Sus habilidades personales Lo Mejor para el Final IconPerks saveTheBestForLast, Jugar con la Comida IconPerks playWithYourFood y Luz que Agoniza IconPerks dyingLight le confieren la capacidad de elegir como obsesión a un superviviente y desencadenar efectos letales a partir de ella

Sus Habilidades se centran en las Obsesiones, ya que Michael Myers está obsesionado con asesinar, el Asesino elige un Superviviente y lo etiqueta como su Obsesión.

Difficulty rating: Intermediate (Community) / Hard (Developer)
(based on the amount of time and effort that is required to properly learn to play him and use his Power effectively)


SH charPreview

Algunos seres humanos no son más que manzanas podridas. Manzanas podridas imbuidas de pura maldad. Michael Myers es uno de ellos. No sentía remordimiento alguno por provocar dolor a los demás. Es más, disfrutaba con ello. Pero incluso el mero hecho de vivir puede ser duro para quienes tienen la mente abrumada por el terror. La diferencia está en cómo se enfrenta cada uno a esos problemas.

En el caso de Michael, tenía que matar para encontrar algo de paz. Cuando le arrebató la vida a su hermana, la policía encontró a un niño callado, vestido de payaso, en la escena del crimen. Cuando alguien se encuentra con fuego no le echa gasolina. Pero eso es lo que hizo la policía, que no tenía ni idea de cómo afectaría al demonio que habitaba el cuerpo del niño. Enviar a Michael a una institución psiquiátrica fue un error. Las terapias infructuosas y los alaridos nocturnos solo consiguieron hacerlo más introvertido y perturbado. Todo el mundo esperaba que Michael Myers se quedase allí para siempre, olvidado y enterrado, como un error que se pudriría dentro de cuatro paredes. Pero cierto día... se escapó.

The Shape's Perks[]

These are Perks which start off only appearing in The Shape's Bloodweb IconHelp bloodweb. After achieving Level 30, Teachable versions of these Perks can be found:

  • Deja lo Mejor para el Final - Nivel 30
  • Juega con la Comida - Nivel 35
  • Luz Extinta - Nivel 40

Once obtained, other Killers will be able to find The Shape's Perks in their respective Bloodwebs from that point onwards

Save the Best for Last Te obsesionas con un superviviente.

Consigues un distintivo cada vez que golpeas con un Ataque Básico a alguien que no sea la Obsesión IconHelp obsession.

Cada uno otorga una reducción acumulable del 5 % en el tiempo de recarga de Ataques Básicos con éxito. Puedes ganar hasta un máximo de 8 Distintivos.

Golpear a tu obsesión con un Ataque Básico te hará perder 4/3/2 Distintivos.

Si tu obsesión muere, dejarás de ganar distintivos.

  • El asesino no puede obsesionarse con más de un superviviente.
  • "La muerte ha llegado a su pueblo, sheriff". — Dr. Sam Loomis
    Play with Your Food Te obsesionas con un superviviente.

    Cada vez que persigas a tu obsesión y la dejes escapar, recibirás una medalla, hasta un máximo de 3. Cada medalla aumenta tu velocidad de movimiento un {{{1}}}/{{{2}}}/{{{3}}}. Cada acción ofensiva consume 1 medalla. Sólo una obsesión IconHelp obsession por partida.

    "Los has engañado, ¿verdad, Michael? Pero a mi no". — Dr. Sam Loomis

    Dying Light Te obsesionas con un superviviente. La velocidad de la acción altruista de tu obsesión aumenta un {{{1}}}/{{{2}}}/{{{3}}}. Una vez que la obsesión sea asesinada o sacrificada, el resto de supervivientes recibe una penalización de las velocidades de reparación, curación o sabotaje del {{{4}}}/{{{5}}}/{{{6}}}. Sólo una obsesión IconHelp obsession por partida.

    "Esto no es un hombre..." — Dr. Sam Loomis


    Arma: Cuchillo de Cocina[]

    MM Knife01
    El cuchillo de cocina es el arma principal de La Forma. Construido de una hoja de gran tamaño con bordes devastadoramente afilados.  
    • Si aplica un golpe exitoso en algún Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor, La Forma examinará su cuchillo a manera de animación de enfriamiento.
    • Mientras La Forma se encuentre en Maldad Interior III, mantendrá el cuchillo con la punta hacia abajo. Durante el tiempo que dure este estado, en caso de conectar un golpe a su víctima esta pasará al modo agonizante automáticamente, sin la necesidad de conectar un segundo golpe.

    Poder: El Mal Interior[]

    Quotes left I met him, fifteen years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding; and even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes... the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realised that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil. Quotes right
    ~ Dr. Sam Loomis

    His special ability is called "Evil Within", a 3-tier gauge which affects the Shape's ability to hunt differently for each respective phase. The Shape can stalk survivors, which fills up his current Evil Within phase. The Shape gains pure benefit from going up Evil Within stages, with the exception of his terror radius, which increases for each stage. Any survivors currently being stalked will be highlighted brightly, and more than one survivor can be stalked at once. Survivors that are hiding in foliage (corn, grass, shrubs, etc.) or are breaking line of sight will either delay or stop The Shape from gaining any points from stalking them.

    Tier Description Audio Cues
    FulliconPowers stalker1
    • Tremendously reduced Terror Radius (6 metres).
    • The Red Stain is hidden.
    • Slightly reduced Movement Speed (105 %).
    • Slightly reduced Lunge duration (0.2 seconds).
    • Normal Vaulting Speed (1.7 seconds)
    • Grants immunity to detection Perks.
    Evil Within Tier-up Warning (no longer used)

    FulliconPowers stalker2
    • Moderately reduced Terror Radius (16 metres).
    • Normal Movement Speed (115 %).
    • Normal Lunge duration (0.5 seconds).
    • Slightly increased Vaulting Speed (1.48 seconds).
    Evil Within II Theme

    FulliconPowers stalker3
    • Normal Terror Radius (32 metres).
    • Normal Movement Speed.
    • Slightly increased Lunge duration (0.6 seconds).
      • Attacks deal double damage.
        • Lasts for 60 seconds (default).
    • Moderately increased Vaulting Speed (1.275 seconds).
    Evil Within III Theme

    Evil Within III Tier-down

    Upon reaching Tier II, The Shape can never fall back to Tier I. The colour of a Survivor's Aura determines how much evil is left in them (ranging from white/full to red/empty).

    Power Trivia[]

    • Each Tier of Evil Within requires The Shape' to gain 5 points from draining evil from the Survivors.
      • The amount of total evil available in a Trial (40.4 points) is independent to how many Survivors load into the Trial, the evil is always evenly distributed across them at the start of the Trial.
        • If all 4 Survivors load into the Trial, each Survivor carries enough evil to be equivalent to 10.1 points.
    • The Shape can stalk Survivors within a range of 2.5 to 39.85 metres. The stalk's efficiency depends on The Shape's distance to the stalked Survivor, ranging from 100 % at closest range to 1 % at farthest range. With a stalk rate efficiency of 100 %, it takes The Shape 6 seconds to fill his stalk meter.
    • The Shape's movement speed is moderately reduced (set to 60 % of his base movement speed) while stalking passively (no Survivor in his FOV) and tremendously reduced (set to 20 % of his base movement speed) while stalking actively (Survivor in his FOV).


    The Shape's stance or posture changes with each Tier of Evil Within and is also affected by certain Add-ons and Perks. A watchful Survivor can use this to their advantage, to be warned of potential danger.

    Evil Within I[]

    • left hand relaxed and moving freely
    • blade pointing slightly outwards and moving freely when chasing
    • slightly stiff walk

    Evil Within II[]

    Similar to the Evil Within I idle stance

    • left hand is clenched to a fist
    • moves a lot more freely and similar to The Trapper IconHelpLoading trapper

    Evil Within III[]

    Similar to the Evil Within II stance

    • blade raised, pointing downwards

    Unlockables affecting his Stance[]

    • Vanity Mirror FulliconAddon vanityMirror
      • Evil Within II stance remains the same as the Evil Within I stance.
    • Judith's Tombstone FulliconAddon judithsTombstone
      • All stances are the same as the default Evil Within I stance: relaxed left hand
      • The angle at which he holds his knife on Evil Within III changes and the relaxed hand shows his readiness to grab Survivors
    • Play with Your Food Unknown QuestionMark
      • Each Token increases how much he clenches his left hand into a fist if he's in a stance that features a relaxed left hand.

    Add-ons for Evil Within[]

    Plantilla:Add-ons: Evil Within (Shape)


    Main article: Achievements

    There are currently 3 Achievements related to The Shape. Plantilla:AchKillerSpecial


    Players can customise their Character by choosing one outfit style from each category. Blood-stained attire is obtained after The Shape reaches Level 50 and prestiges.

    The Shape's attire includes:


    Plantilla:Micheal's Default Cosmetics


    Plantilla:Micheal's Prestige Cosmetics


    Main article: Downloadable Content

    The Shape is currently part of 1 DLC package:

    Available DLC[]

    • CHAPTER II: The HALLOWEEN® Chapter


    • It is practically impossible for every Survivor to hide from you well enough to the point where you cannot stalk them enough to get Evil Within II. However, they will do their best to slow it down and make it as difficult as possible.
    • Note that on Coldwind Farm, the corn will shield Survivors from stalking, even if they are visible normally. An exception is if you stalk from a high ground, and a Survivor is not crouched - they will be always visible in any nearby cornfield.
    • Note that you can "stock" on Evil Within. Essentially, you can leave Evil Within II on 99 % and you will have a full Evil Within III to use the instance you see a Survivor.
    • When in Evil Within I, your Terror Radius may be minuscule but your breathing can be heard well before it. Many experienced Players will be wary upon starting a match, and will be on the lookout for Killers in the distance. A way to mitigate this is to stalk Survivors behind cover, or on high places. Such examples are behind trees, on top of hills, on top of buildings, etc. Though it won't guarantee to stop them from noticing you, it is far better compared to walking up to a fairly close distance and watching them out in the open.
    • The Shape is ironically one of the easiest Killers to spot, as his near fluorescent white mask is very distinguishable.
    • Survivors often try to hide behind Pallets IconHelp pullDown, but you can still stalk them.
    • When stalking, your vision is severely tunnelled and your movement speed is reduced significantly.
    • The Teachable Perk Shadowborn IconPerks shadowborn will increase your field of view, making stalking slightly easier.
    • The Teachable Perk Monitor & Abuse IconPerks monitorAndAbuse will increase your field of view when you are not in a chase, making stalking slightly easier. It will also reduce the Terror Radius in that situation, making sneaking up very easy.
    • Stalked Survivors' Auras will slowly turn red the more evil is drained from them. Once a Survivor has been drained of all evil, they can no longer be stalked.


    • The Shape's middle name is Audrey.
      • His full name is thus Michael Audrey Myers
    • The Shape is the first Killer to be introduced as paid DLC.
    • Michael Myers was the murderer featured in the Halloween horror franchise. In the first film, he kills his older sister and is sent to a mental hospital for almost two decades before escaping, only to return to his hometown on Halloween night and begin hunting the friends and family of Laurie Strode.
    • Michael's in-game name is a reference to the original 1978 Movie. During the credits, the role of "Michael Myers" is instead credited as "The Shape."
    • The music that plays when The Shape reaches Evil Within III is from the movie Halloween.
      • When Survivors are being stalked by The Shape when he is close to the next Evil Within Tier, Survivors will hear a remade version of The Hedge, which incidentally plays in the film whilst the protagonist Laurie Strode is being stalked.
      • Whenever The Shape changes tiers of Evil Within, a small tune following the Halloween main theme plays through the whole map. It is also the only audio indication of a Killer's power that does not get altered relative to distance, (i.e. The Nurse's muffled screeches upon blinking far away.)
      • The Terror Radius music that Survivors hear when near The Shape is a remake of the original Halloween track, The Hanger. The in-game track is unreleased and locked in the game files, data-miners have released it recently on the Steam Forums.
    • The Shape has a much smaller Terror Radius than the other Killers, depending on his ability's Tier.
    • The Shape has a small animated trail behind his knife when he swings.
    • In Evil Within III, The Shape lunges for 0.2 seconds longer than when in Evil Within II, giving him the longest lunge in the game.
    • In Evil Within III, The Shape's knife is in the way of the Stain, and occasionally reflects its red light.
    • The Shape's breathing is slightly different to how it is heard in the original film.
    • The Shape's Memento Mori is possibly a reference to how he kills people in the original film, as he often grabs people by the neck and either stabs them or simply suffocates them.
    • The Shape, in terms of appearance, is the cleanest Killer apart from a blood stain on his left shoulder and on his knife.
    • The Shape is one of four Killers that can instantly put Survivors into the Dying State IconHelp dying without any Perks IconHelp perks or Add-ons IconHelp addons.
    • The Shape is one of the few Killers whose default head skin is not named after the Killer's name.
    • The Shape was the second Killer to wear a face mask.
    • The Shape's left eye can be seen through his mask in the menu.
      • Under certain lighting conditions, both of his eyes are visible through the mask.
    • The Shape is the only Killer right now to have Add-ons that grant him the ability to kill Survivors.
    • The Shape was the first licensed Character alongside Laurie Strode.
    • The Shape is one of the most human-looking Killers in the game, as he doesn't have any unnatural alterations to his appearance like most of the other Killers.
    • The Shape changes his stance with each Tier of Evil Within:
      • In Evil Within I and II, The Shape holds his knife to his side, whereas in Evil Within III, he holds his knife up to his shoulder with the blade pointing outwards.
      • Evil Within I: His arms are down and close to his torso.
      • Evil Within II: His arms are more spread out to his sides.
      • Evil Within III: His right arm is raised above his head with his knife pointing down in a stabbing manner.
    • Back in the days, if you were stalking Survivors and nearing the limit for your current Evil Within Tier, all Survivors being stalked would hear an eerie audio cue a few seconds before the Tier ascends.


    For more go to the Shape's Gallery

    LOS SUPERVIVIENTES IconHelpLoading survivor
    DF charSelect portrait Dwight Fairfield NK charSelect portrait Nea Karlsson FM charSelect portrait Feng Min GS charSelect portrait Kate Denson AW charSelect portrait Ash Williams
    MT charSelect portrait Meg Thomas LS charSelect portrait Laurie Strode DK charSelect portrait David King HS charSelect portrait Adam Francis QF charSelect portrait Nancy Wheeler
    CM charSelect portrait Claudette Morel AV charSelect portrait Ace Visconti ES charSelect portrait Quentin Smith KS charSelect portrait Jeff Johansen QM charSelect portrait Steve Harrington
    JP charSelect portrait Jake Park BO charSelect portrait Bill Overbeck FS charSelect portrait David Tapp MS charSelect portrait Jane Romero SS charSelect portrait Yui Kimura
    CAPÍTULOS 15 - 19 CAPÍTULOS 20 - 23 CAPÍTULOS 24 - 27 CAPÍTULOS 27 - 30.5 CAPÍTULO 31
    US charSelect portrait Zarina Kassir S26 charSelect portrait Jill Valentine S31 charSelect portrait Haddie Kaur S36 charSelect portrait Renato Lyra S41 charSelect portrait Sable Ward
    WS charSelect portrait Cheryl Mason S27 charSelect portrait Leon Scott Kennedy S32 charSelect portrait Ada Wong S37 charSelect portrait Gabriel Soma S42 charSelect portrait Aestri Yazar & Baermar Uraz
    S23 charSelect portrait Felix Richter S28 charSelect portrait Mikaela Reid S33 charSelect portrait Rebecca Chambers S38 charSelect portrait Nicolas Cage S43 LaraCroft Portrait Lara Croft
    S24 charSelect portrait Élodie Rakoto S29 charSelect portrait Jonah Vasquez S34 charSelect portrait Vittorio Toscano S39 charSelect portrait Ellen Ripley S44 TrevorBelmont Portrait Trevor Belmont
    S25 charSelect portrait Yun-Jin Lee S30 charSelect portrait Yoichi Asakawa S35 charSelect portrait Thalita Lyra S40 charSelect portrait Alan Wake
    LOS ASESINOS IconHelpLoading killer
    TR charSelect portrait El Trampero IconHelpLoading trapper - Evan MacMillan NR charSelect portrait La Enfermera IconHelpLoading nurse - Sally Smithson DO charSelect portrait El Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor - Herman Carter EK charSelect portrait La Pesadilla IconHelpLoading nightmare - Freddy Krueger HK charSelect portrait El Espíritu IconHelpLoading spirit - Rin Yamaoka
    WR charSelect portrait El Espectro IconHelpLoading wraith - Philip Ojomo SH charSelect portrait La Forma IconHelpLoading shape - Michael Myers BE charSelect portrait La Cazadora IconHelpLoading huntress - Anna FK charSelect portrait La Cerda IconHelpLoading pig - Amanda Young KK charSelect portrait La Legión IconHelpLoading legion - Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
    HB charSelect portrait El Pueblerino IconHelpLoading hillbilly - Max Thompson Jr. HA charSelect portrait La Bruja IconHelpLoading hag - Lisa Sherwood CA charSelect portrait El Caníbal IconHelpLoading cannibal - Bubba "Junior" Sawyer GK charSelect portrait El Payaso IconHelpLoading clown - Kenneth "Jeffrey Hawk" Chase MK charSelect portrait La Plaga IconHelpLoading plague - Adiris
    OK charSelect portrait Ghost Face IconHelpLoading ghost - Danny "Jed Olsen" Johnson UK charSelect portrait El Arponero IconHelpLoading deathslinger - Caleb Quinn K22 charSelect portrait Los Gemelos IconHelpLoading twins - Charlotte & Victor Deshayes K25 charSelect portrait El Cenobita IconHelpLoading cenobite - Elliot Spencer K28 charSelect portrait La Draga IconHelpLoading dredge - La Draga
    QK charSelect portrait El Demogorgon IconHelpLoading demogorgon WK charSelect portrait El Verdugo IconHelpLoading wales - Pyramid Head K23 charSelect portrait El Embaucador IconHelpLoading trickster - Ji-Woon Hak K26 charSelect portrait La Artista IconHelpLoading artist - Carmina Mora K29 charSelect portrait La Mente Maestra IconHelpLoading mastermind - Albert Wesker
    SK charSelect portrait El Oni IconHelpLoading oni - Kazan Yamaoka K21 charSelect portrait El Deterioro IconHelpLoading blight - Talbot Grimes K24 charSelect portrait La Némesis IconHelpLoading nemesis - Nemesis T-Type K27 charSelect portrait La Onryō IconHelpLoading onryo - Sadako Yamamura K30 charSelect portrait El Caballero IconHelpLoading knight - Tarhos Kovács
    K31 charSelect portrait La Comerciante de Calaveras IconHelpLoading skullMerchant - Adriana Imai K34 charSelect portrait El Chico Bueno IconHelpLoading goodGuy - Charles Lee Ray K37 TheDarkLord Portrait El Señor Oscuro KillerDracula - Dracula
    K32 charSelect portrait La Singularidad IconHelpLoading singularity - HUX-A7-13 K35 charSelect portrait Lo Desconocido IconHelpLoading unknown - Lo Desconocido
    K33 charSelect portrait El Xenomorfo IconHelpLoading xenomorph - El Xenomorfo K36 charSelect portrait El Liche IconHelpLoading lich - Vecna
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