Dead by Daylight Wiki
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Línea 156: Línea 156:
{id = 144, name = "Lucky Break" , tName="Golpe de Suerte" , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {120, 150, 180}, character = 20, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"PoolsOfBlood", "Stealth"}},
{id = 144, name = "Lucky Break" , tName="Golpe de Suerte" , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {120, 150, 180}, character = 20, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"PoolsOfBlood", "Stealth"}},
{id = 115, name = "Mad Grit" , tName="Furia Ciega" , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 14, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"AttackCooldown", "Pause", "Wiggling"}},
{id = 115, name = "Mad Grit" , tName="Furia Ciega" , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 14, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"AttackCooldown", "Pause", "Wiggling"}},
{id = 98, name = "Make Your Choice" , tName="Toma Una Decisión" , baseLevel = 3, units = {1, 1}, values = {40, 50, 60, 40, 50, 60}, character = 11, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Exposed", "Hooks"}},
{id = 98, name = "Make Your Choice" , tName="Toma una Decisión" , baseLevel = 3, units = {1, 1}, values = {40, 50, 60, 40, 50, 60}, character = 11, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Exposed", "Hooks"}},
{id = 128, name = "Mettle of Man" , tName="El Temple Del Hombre" , baseLevel = 3, units = {4}, values = {12, 14, 16}, character = 17, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "Endurance", "Obsession", "ProtectionHits"}},
{id = 128, name = "Mettle of Man" , tName="El Temple del Hombre" , baseLevel = 3, units = {4}, values = {12, 14, 16}, character = 17, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "Endurance", "Obsession", "ProtectionHits"}},
{id = 133, name = "Mindbreaker" , tName="Quebrantamentes" , baseLevel = 2, units = {2}, values = {1, 2, 3}, character = 17, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Exhaustion", "Generators", "Pause"}},
{id = 133, name = "Mindbreaker" , tName="Quebrantamentes" , baseLevel = 2, units = {2}, values = {1, 2, 3}, character = 17, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Exhaustion", "Generators", "Pause"}},
{id = 80, name = "Monitor & Abuse" , tName="Monitorización y Abuso" , baseLevel = 2, units = {10}, values = {3, 5, 10}, character = 7, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Chase", "FOV", "TerrorRadius"}},
{id = 80, name = "Monitor & Abuse" , tName="Monitorización y Abuso" , baseLevel = 2, units = {10}, values = {3, 5, 10}, character = 7, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Chase", "FOV", "TerrorRadius"}},

Revisión del 10:28 22 ene 2021

Template-info Documentación

Perk IDs

IDs Info
1-6 Unused Perks
7-32 General Perks
33-50 Survivor Teachables up to and including CHAPTER II (Dwight, Meg, Claudette, Jake, Nea, Laurie)
51-65 Killer Teachables up to and including CHAPTER II (Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Shape)
66-89 Per Chapter: Survivor Teachables, then Killer Teachables in order of Level 30/35/40
90 onwards Per Chapter: Killer Teachables, then Survivor Teachables in order of Level 30/35/40

Perk Tags

Tags are part of a Perk's properties:

Tag Name Use
ActionNoise Increases or reduces the volume level of noises created by interactions
ActionSpeed Affects action speeds
Altruism Has interactions in the Altruism Category
AttackCooldown Affects the Attack Cool-down
Auras Generates Auras
AuraFlareUp Causes an Aura flare-up, revealing a Survivor's location
Basement Has the Basement as a trigger condition
Blinding Interacts with the Blinding Mechanic used by Flashlights and Firecrackers
BlindingResistance Allows the Killer to resist getting blinded
Blindness Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Blocking Allows to block further interactions with a Prop
Bloodlust Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
BonusBloodpoints Grants bonus Bloodpoints
BreakableWalls Interacts with Breakable Walls
Broken Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Chance Interacts with or causes the Proficiency Indicator
Chase Interacts with the Chase Mechanic
Chests Interacts with or affects Chests
Conversion Applies a conversion effect
Cursed Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Deception Is used to deceive/fool the opposing party.
DeepWound Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Deviousness Has interactions in the Deviousness Category
Efficiency Interacts with or causes the Proficiency Indicator
Endurance Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
EscapeAttempts Changes the behaviour of the Escape Attempts on is granted on the first Hook Phase
Exhaustion Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
ExitGates Interacts with the Exit Gates
Exposed Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
FOV Affects the Killer's FOV
Generators Interacts with or affects Generators
GruntsOfPain Interacts with Grunts of Pain
Haemorrhage Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Haste Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Hatch Interacts with the Hatch
Healing Affects the Healing action
Hex Hex Perk
Hooks Interacts with or changes the behaviour of Hooks
Items Interacts with or affects Items
KillerTraps Changes the behaviour of an action when affected by Killer Traps in the environment
Killing Enables the kill prompt
Lockers Interacts with or affects Lockers
LoudNoise Suppresses or causes Loud Noise notifications
Luck Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Lunge Interacts with the Lunge Mechanic
Mangled Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Maps Interacts with Maps
MovementSpeed Affects the Movement speed of a Character without using the Haste Status Effect
Oblivious Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Obsession Triggers the Obsession Mechanic
Pallets Interacts with Pallets
Pause Pauses progression
PoolsOfBlood Interacts with Pools of Blood left by injured Survivors
ProtectionHits Interacts with Protection Hits
Recovering Allows the self-Recovery action
RecoverySpeed Affects the Recovery speed both in the Dying State or from Status Effect timers
Regression Causes Generator regression
RegressionPenalty Applies an immediate loss of progression
Sabotage Allows the Sabotage action
ScratchMarks Changes the behaviour of or cloaks Scratch Marks
SkillChecks Interacts with or causes/affects Skill Checks
Stealth Hides information that betrays one's location or presence in the environment
Struggling Changes the behaviour of the Struggle Phase
Stun Causes or affects a Killer Stun
StunRecovery Affects the Killer Stun recovery
TerrorRadius Interacts with or affects the Terror Radius
Tokens Uses a Token-system
Undetectable Interacts with or causes the Status Effect
Vaulting Interacts with the Vaulting action
VaultLocations Shows the Aura of Vault Locations
Warning Triggers a Warning sound without revealing an Aura
Wiggling Changes the behaviour of the Wiggle action

local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
local space = " "
local dot = "."
local comma = ","
local colon = ":"
local bullet = "\n* "
local nl = "<br>"
local nlp = "\n<p>"

function iconLink(icon)
	return frame:expandTemplate{title = "IconLink", args = {icon}}

function clr(color, text)
	return frame:expandTemplate{title = "clr", args = {color, text}}

--bold function
function b(text)
	return "'''" .. text .. "'''"

--italic function
function i(text)
	return "''" .. text .. "''"

units = {
--	{id = 1, value = "seconds"},
	{id = 1, value = "segundos"},
--	{id = 2, value = "second(s)"},
	{id = 2, value = "segundo(s)"},
--	{id = 3, value = "additional seconds"},
	{id = 3, value = "segundos adicionales"},
--	{id = 4, value = "metres"},
	{id = 4, value = "metros"},
--	{id = 5, value = "&#37;"}, --% percent symbol
	{id = 5, value = "&#37;"}, --% percent symbol
--	{id = 6, value = "Survivors"},
	{id = 6, value = "Supervivientes"},
--	{id = 7, value = "Survivor(s)"},
	{id = 7, value = "Superviviente(s)"},
--	{id = 8, value = "Tokens"},
	{id = 8, value = "Medallas"},
--	{id = 9, value = "Pallets"},
	{id = 9, value = "Palés"},
--	{id = 10, value = "&#176;"}, --° degree symbol
	{id = 10, value = "&#176;"}, --° degree symbol

unitMapper = {
--	{id = {1, 2}, generic = 'seconds'},
	{id = {1, 2}, generic = 'segundos'},
--	{id = {5}, generic = 'percent'},
	{id = {5}, generic = 'porcentaje'},
--	{id = {10}, generic = 'degrees'}
	{id = {10}, generic = 'grados'}

perks = {
	{id = 62,  name = "A Nurse's Calling"            , tName="Vocación de Enfermera"                 , baseLevel = 3, units = {4}, values = {20, 24, 28}, character = 4, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "Healing"}},
	{id = 66,  name = "Ace in the Hole"              , tName="As En la Manga"                        , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {10, 25, 50}, character = 7, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Chests", "Items"}},
	{id = 42,  name = "Adrenaline"                   , tName="Adrenalina"                            , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 2, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Exhaustion", "Haste", "Healing"}},
	{id = 118, name = "Aftercare"                    , tName="Postratamiento"                        , baseLevel = 2, units = {7}, values = {1, 2, 3}, character = 15, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Auras"}},
	{id = 51,  name = "Agitation"                    , tName="Agitación"                             , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {6, 12, 18}, character = 1, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "TerrorRadius"}},
	{id = 76,  name = "Alert"                        , tName="Alerta"                                , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 9, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Auras"}},
	{id = 145, name = "Any Means Necessary"          , tName="Cueste lo que Cueste"                  , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {100, 80, 60}, character = 20, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Pallets"}},
	{id = 168, name = "Appraisal"                    , tName="Evaluación"                            , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 24, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Chests", "Items"}},
	{id = 1,   name = "Artefact Hunter"                                                              , baseLevel = 1, values = {"Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown"}, charType = 'S', unused = true},
	{id = 113, name = "Autodidact"                   , tName="Autodidacta"                           , baseLevel = 3, units = {8}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 14, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Healing", "SkillChecks"}},
	{id = 138, name = "Babysitter"                   , tName="Canguro"                               , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {4, 6, 8}, character = 19, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth", "PoolsOfBlood"}},
	{id = 102, name = "Bamboozle"                    , tName="Desconcierto"                          , baseLevel = 1, units = {5, 1}, values = {5, 10, 15, 8, 12, 16}, character = 12, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Blocking", "Vaulting", "VaultLocations"}},
	{id = 45,  name = "Balanced Landing"             , tName="Caída Equilibrada"                     , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 5, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"ActionNoise", "Exhaustion", "Haste"}},
	{id = 88,  name = "Barbecue & Chilli"            , tName="Barbacoa y Chile"                      , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {50, 75, 100}, character = 9, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "BonusBloodpoints", "Hooks"}},
	{id = 85,  name = "Beast of Prey"                , tName="Bestia de Presa"                       , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 8, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Bloodlust", "BonusBloodpoints", "Deception", "Stealth", "Undetectable"}},
	{id = 135, name = "Better Together"              , tName="Mejor Juntos"                          , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {8, 9, 10}, character = 18, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Generators"}},
	{id = 7,   name = "Bitter Murmur"                , tName="Murmullo Amargo"                       , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {5, 7, 10}, charType = 'K', tags = {"Auras", "Generators"}},
	{id = 142, name = "Blood Echo"                   , tName="Eco Sangriento"                        , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 18, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Exhaustion", "Haemorrhage"}},
	{id = 157, name = "Blood Pact"                   , tName="Pacto de Sangre"                       , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {5, 6, 7}, character = 22, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Haste", "Obsession"}},
	{id = 92,  name = "Blood Warden"                 , tName="Guardián de Sangre"                    , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {30, 40, 60}, character = 10, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "ExitGates", "Hooks"}},
	{id = 54,  name = "Bloodhound"                   , tName="Sabueso de Sangre"                     , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 2, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"PoolsOfBlood"}},
	{id = 107, name = "Boil Over"                    , tName="Arrebato"                              , baseLevel = 2, units = {5, 4}, values = {25, 50, 75, 10, 12, 14}, character = 13, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "Hooks", "Wiggling"}},
	{id = 33,  name = "Bond"                         , tName="Vínculo"                               , baseLevel = 1, units = {4}, values = {20, 28, 36}, character = 1, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Auras"}},
	{id = 73,  name = "Borrowed Time"                , tName="Tiempo Prestado"                       , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 8, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"DeepWound", "Endurance"}},
	{id = 36,  name = "Botany Knowledge"             , tName="Conocimientos de Botánica"             , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {11, 22, 33}, character = 3, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Efficiency", "Healing"}},
	{id = 117, name = "Breakdown"                    , tName="Ruptura"                               , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {4, 5, 6}, character = 15, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Hooks"}},
	{id = 146, name = "Breakout"                     , tName="Fuga"                                  , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {5, 6, 7}, character = 20, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Haste", "Wiggling"}},
	{id = 52,  name = "Brutal Strength"              , tName="Fuerza Brutal"                         , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 1, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BreakableWalls", "Generators", "Pallets"}}, 
	{id = 127, name = "Buckle Up"                    , tName="Sujétate"                              , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {4, 5, 6}, character = 17, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Recovering"}},
	{id = 164, name = "Built to Last"                , tName="Construcción Duradera"                 , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 23, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Items"}},
	{id = 40,  name = "Calm Spirit"                  , tName="Espíritu Calmado"                      , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {80, 90, 100}, character = 4, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Stealth"}},
	{id = 139, name = "Camaraderie"                  , tName="Camaradería"                           , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {26, 30, 34}, character = 19, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Hooks", "Struggling"}},
	{id = 120, name = "Corrupt Intervention"         , tName="Intervención Corrupta"                 , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {80, 100, 120}, character = 15, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Blocking", "Generators"}}, 
	{id = 103, name = "Coulrophobia"                 , tName="Coulrofobia"                           , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 12, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Efficiency", "Healing", "TerrorRadius"}},
	{id = 167, name = "Coup de Grâce"                , tName="Golpe de Gracia"                       , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 22, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Lunge", "Tokens"}},
	{id = 134, name = "Cruel Limits"                 , tName="Restricción Cruel"                     , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 17, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Blocking", "Generators", "VaultLocations"}},
	{id = 105, name = "Dance With Me"                , tName="Baila Conmigo"                         , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 13, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Lockers", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth", "Vaulting"}},
	{id = 122, name = "Dark Devotion"                , tName="Devoción Oscura"                       , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 15, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Deception", "Obsession", "Stealth", "TerrorRadius", "Undetectable"}},
	{id = 19,  name = "Dark Sense"                   , tName="Percepción Oscura"                     , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {5, 7, 10}, charType = 'S', tags = {"Auras", "Generators"}},
	{id = 82,  name = "Dead Hard"                    , tName="Fajador"                               , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 10, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Exhaustion"}},
	{id = 148, name = "Dead Man's Switch"                                                            , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {35, 40, 45}, character = 19, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "Generators", "Obsession"}},
	{id = 155, name = "Deathbound"                   , tName="Vínculo Mortal"                        , baseLevel = 3, units = {4}, values = {16, 12, 8}, character = 20, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"AuraFlareUp", "Healing"}},
	{id = 169, name = "Deception"                    , tName="Engaño"                                , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 24, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Deception", "Lockers", "LoudNoise", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth"}},
	{id = 48,  name = "Decisive Strike"              , tName="Golpe Decisivo"                        , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 6, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"SkillChecks", "Stun"}},
	{id = 8,   name = "Deerstalker"                  , tName="Acechador de Ciervos"                  , baseLevel = 1, units = {4}, values = {20, 28, 36}, charType = 'K', tags = {"Auras"}},
	{id = 20,  name = "Déjà Vu"                                                                      , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {30, 45, 60}, charType = 'S', tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "Maps"}},
	{id = 112, name = "Deliverance"                  , tName="Liberación"                            , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {100, 80, 60}, character = 14, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Broken", "Chance", "EscapeAttempt"}},
	{id = 163, name = "Desperate Measures"           , tName="Medidas Desesperadas"                  , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {10, 12, 14}, character = 23, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing"}},
	{id = 100, name = "Detective's Hunch"            , tName="Corazonada"                            , baseLevel = 3, units = {4}, values = {32, 48, 64}, character = 12, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Chests", "Generators", "Maps", "Totems"}},
	{id = 114, name = "Discordance"                  , tName="Discordancia"                          , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {8, 10, 12}, character = 14, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "LoudNoise"}},
	{id = 119, name = "Distortion"                   , tName="Distorsión"                            , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 15, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "KillerTraps", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth", "Tokens"}},
	{id = 9,   name = "Distressing"                  , tName="Desasosiego"                           , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {22, 24, 26}, charType = 'K', tags = {"BonusBloodpoints", "Deviousness", "TerrorRadius"}},
	{id = 111, name = "Diversion"                    , tName="Distracción"                           , baseLevel = 1, units = {4}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 14, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Deception", "LoudNoise", "ScratchMarks", "TerrorRadius"}},
	{id = 159, name = "Dragon's Grip"                                                                , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {120, 100, 80}, character = 21, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"AuraFlareUp", "Exposed", "Generator"}},
	{id = 63,  name = "Dying Light"                  , tName="Luz que Agoniza"                       , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {2, 2.5, 3}, character = 5, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Obsession", "Tokens"}},
	{id = 37,  name = "Empathy"                      , tName="Empatía"                               , baseLevel = 1, units = {4}, values = {64, 96, 128}, character = 3, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Auras"}},
	{id = 57,  name = "Enduring"                     , tName="Resistente"                            , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {40, 45, 50}, character = 3, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Stun", "StunRecovery"}},
	{id = 90,  name = "Fire Up"                      , tName="Enfurecimiento"                        , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {3, 3.5, 4}, character = 10, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Generators"}},
	{id = 136, name = "Fixated"                      , tName="Fijación"                              , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 18, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "ScratchMarks"}},
	{id = 126, name = "Flip-Flop"                    , tName="Hasta Otra"                            , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {40, 45, 50}, character = 17, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Conversion", "Recovering", "Wiggling"}},
	{id = 152, name = "For the People"               , tName="Por los Demás"                         , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {110, 100, 90}, character = 21, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Broken", "Healing", "Obsession"}},
	{id = 153, name = "Forced Penance"               , tName="Imposición de Penitencia"              , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 20, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Broken", "ProtectionHits"}},
	{id = 89,  name = "Franklin's Demise"            , tName="Muerte de Franklin"                    , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {150, 120, 90}, character = 9, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "Items"}},
	{id = 131, name = "Furtive Chase"                , tName="Persecución Furtiva"                   , baseLevel = 3, units = {8}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 16, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Hooks", "Obsession", "Tokens", "TerrorRadius"}},
	{id = 147, name = "Gearhead"                     , tName="Oído para la Maquinaria"               , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {20, 25, 30}, character = 19, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Generators", "SkillChecks"}},
	{id = 96,  name = "Hangman's Trick"              , tName="Truco Del Verdugo"                     , baseLevel = 1, units = {4}, values = {2, 4, 6}, character = 11, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Hooks", "Sabotage"}},
	{id = 125, name = "Head On"                      , tName="De Frente"                             , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 16, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Exhaustion", "Lockers", "Stun"}},
	{id = 160, name = "Hex: Blood Favour"            , tName="Maleficio: Favor de Sangre"            , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 21, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Blocking", "Hex", "Pallets", "Totems"}},
	{id = 70,  name = "Hex: Devour Hope"             , tName="Maleficio: Devoradora de Esperanza"    , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 6, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Exposed", "Killing", "Haste", "Hex", "Hooks", "Tokens", "Totems"}},
	{id = 109, name = "Hex: Haunted Ground"          , tName="Maleficio: Tierra Embrujada"           , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 13, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Exposed", "Hex", "Totems"}},
	{id = 86,  name = "Hex: Huntress Lullaby"        , tName="Maleficio: Nana de Cazadora"           , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {2, 4, 6}, character = 8, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"ActionNoise", "Hex", "Hooks", "RegressionPenalty", "SkillChecks", "Tokens", "Totems"}},
	{id = 10,  name = "Hex: No One Escapes Death"    , tName="Maleficio: Nadie Escapa de la Muerte"  , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {2, 3, 4}, charType = 'K', tags = {"ExitGates", "Exposed", "Hex", "Totems"}},
	{id = 149, name = "Hex: Retribution"             , tName="Maleficio: Represalias"                , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {35, 40, 45}, character = 19, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "Hex", "Oblivious", "Totems"}},
	{id = 69,  name = "Hex: Ruin"                    , tName="Maleficio: Ruina"                      , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {100, 150, 200}, character = 6, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Generators", "Hex", "Regression", "Totems"}},
	{id = 71,  name = "Hex: The Third Seal"          , tName="Maleficio: el Tercer Sello"            , baseLevel = 2, units = {6}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 6, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Blindness", "Hex", "Totems"}},
	{id = 11,  name = "Hex: Thrill of the Hunt"      , tName="Maleficio: la Emoción de la Caza"      , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {4, 5, 6}, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BonusBloodpoints", "Hex", "LoudNoise", "Tokens", "Totems"}},
	{id = 161, name = "Hex: Undying"                 , tName="Maleficio: Inmortal"                   , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {4, 5, 6}, character = 21, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Hex", "Totems"}},
	{id = 165, name = "Hoarder"                      , tName="Acaparadora"                           , baseLevel = 2, units = {4}, values = {24, 36, 48}, character = 22, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Chests", "Items", "LoudNoise"}},
	{id = 21,  name = "Hope"                         , tName="Esperanza"                             , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {5, 6, 7}, charType = 'S', tags = {"Haste"}}, 
	{id = 129, name = "I'm All Ears"                 , tName="Soy Todo Oídos"                        , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 16, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Vaulting"}},
	{id = 121, name = "Infectious Fright"            , tName="Terror Contagioso"                     , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {4, 5, 6}, character = 15, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"AuraFlareUp", "TerrorRadius"}}, 
	{id = 137, name = "Inner Strength"               , tName="Fuerza Interior"                       , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {10, 9, 8}, character = 18, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Broken", "DeepWound", "Healing", "Lockers", "Totems"}}, 
	{id = 12,  name = "Insidious"                    , tName="Insidia"                               , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {4, 3, 2}, charType = 'K', tags = {"Deception", "Stealth", "Undetectable"}},
	{id = 2,   name = "In the Dark"                                                                  , baseLevel = 1, units = {4}, values = {36, 24, 16}, charType = 'K', unused = true},
	{id = 13,  name = "Iron Grasp"                   , tName="Apretón de Hierro"                     , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {4, 8, 12}, charType = 'K', tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Wiggling"}},
	{id = 116, name = "Iron Maiden"                  , tName="Doncella de Hierro"                    , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 14, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "AuraFlareUp", "Exposed", "Lockers"}},
	{id = 41,  name = "Iron Will"                    , tName="Voluntad de Hierro"                    , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {50, 75, 100}, character = 4, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"GruntsOfPain", "Stealth"}},
	{id = 87,  name = "Knock Out"                    , tName="Noqueo"                                , baseLevel = 1, units = {4}, values = {32, 24, 16}, character = 9, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Blindness", "Blocking", "MovementSpeed"}},
	{id = 22,  name = "Kindred"                      , tName="Familia"                               , baseLevel = 2, units = {4}, values = {8, 12, 16}, charType = 'S', tags = {"Auras", "Hooks"}},
	{id = 3,   name = "Last Standing"                , tName="El último En Pie"                      , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {7.5, 15, 25}, charType = 'S', unused = true, tags = {"ActionSpeed"}},
	{id = 34,  name = "Leader"                       , tName="Líder"                                 , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {15, 20, 25}, character = 1, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"ActionSpeed"}},
	{id = 72,  name = "Left Behind"                  , tName="Abandonado a Tu Suerte"                , baseLevel = 1, units = {4}, values = {24, 28, 32}, character = 8, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Hatch"}},
	{id = 58,  name = "Lightborn"                    , tName="Hijo de la Luz"                        , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 3, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "BlindingResistance"}},
	{id = 23,  name = "Lightweight"                  , tName="De Pies Ligeros"                       , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {1, 2, 3}, charType = 'S', tags = {"ScratchMarks", "Stealth"}},
	{id = 77,  name = "Lithe"                        , tName="Agilidad"                              , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 9, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Exhaustion", "Haste", "Vaulting"}},
	{id = 144, name = "Lucky Break"                  , tName="Golpe de Suerte"                       , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {120, 150, 180}, character = 20, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"PoolsOfBlood", "Stealth"}},
	{id = 115, name = "Mad Grit"                     , tName="Furia Ciega"                           , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 14, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"AttackCooldown", "Pause", "Wiggling"}},
	{id = 98,  name = "Make Your Choice"             , tName="Toma una Decisión"                     , baseLevel = 3, units = {1, 1}, values = {40, 50, 60, 40, 50, 60}, character = 11, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Exposed", "Hooks"}},
	{id = 128, name = "Mettle of Man"                , tName="El Temple del Hombre"                  , baseLevel = 3, units = {4}, values = {12, 14, 16}, character = 17, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "Endurance", "Obsession", "ProtectionHits"}},
	{id = 133, name = "Mindbreaker"                  , tName="Quebrantamentes"                       , baseLevel = 2, units = {2}, values = {1, 2, 3}, character = 17, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Exhaustion", "Generators", "Pause"}},
	{id = 80,  name = "Monitor & Abuse"              , tName="Monitorización y Abuso"                , baseLevel = 2, units = {10}, values = {3, 5, 10}, character = 7, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Chase", "FOV", "TerrorRadius"}},
	{id = 14,  name = "Monstrous Shrine"             , tName="Santuario Monstruoso"                  , baseLevel = 2, units = {5, 5, 5}, values = {3, 6, 9, 5, 10, 15, 3, 6, 9}, charType = 'K', tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Basement", "EscapeAttempts", "Hooks"}},
	{id = 143, name = "Nemesis"                      , tName="Némesis"                               , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 18, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Blinding", "Lockers", "Obsession", "Pallets", "Stun"}},
	{id = 83,  name = "No Mither"                    , tName="Me la Pela"                            , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {0, 25, 50}, character = 10, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Broken", "GruntsOfPain", "PoolsOfBlood", "Recovering", "Stealth"}},
	{id = 24,  name = "No One Left Behind"           , tName="Nadie Se Queda Atrás"                  , baseLevel = 2, units = {5, 5}, values = {50, 75, 100, 30, 40, 50}, charType = 'S', tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Altruism", "Auras", "BonusBloodpoints"}},
	{id = 49,  name = "Object of Obsession"          , tName="Objeto de Obsesión"                    , baseLevel = 2, units = {4, 4}, values = {56, 64, 72, 44, 56, 64}, character = 6, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "TerrorRadius"}},
	{id = 150, name = "Off the Record"               , tName="Extraoficial"                          , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {60, 70, 80}, character = 21, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "GruntsOfPain", "Hooks"}},
	{id = 67,  name = "Open-Handed"                  , tName="A Mano Descubierta"                    , baseLevel = 2, units = {4}, values = {4, 6, 8}, character = 7, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Auras"}},
	{id = 166, name = "Oppression"                   , tName="Opresión"                              , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {120, 100, 80}, character = 22, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Generators", "Regression", "SkillChecks"}},
	{id = 4,   name = "Overconfidence"                                                               , baseLevel = 1, values = {"Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown"}, charType = 'S', unused = true},
	{id = 79,  name = "Overcharge"                   , tName="Sobrecarga"                            , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 7, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Generators", "RegressionPenalty", "SkillChecks"}},
	{id = 78,  name = "Overwhelming Presence"        , tName="Presencia Abrumadora"                  , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {80, 90, 100}, character = 7, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Efficiency", "TerrorRadius"}},  
	{id = 94,  name = "Pharmacy"                     , tName="Farmacia"                              , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {40, 60, 80}, character = 11, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"ActionNoise", "ActionSpeed", "Chests", "Items"}},
	{id = 64,  name = "Play with Your Food"          , tName="Jugar Con la Comida"                   , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {3, 4, 5}, character = 5, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Chase", "MovementSpeed", "Obsession", "Tokens"}}, 
	{id = 25,  name = "Plunderer's Instinct"         , tName="Instinto de Saqueador"                 , baseLevel = 1, units = {4}, values = {16, 24, 32}, charType = 'S', tags = {"Auras", "Chance", "Chests", "Items"}},
	{id = 124, name = "Poised"                       , tName="Serenidad"                             , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {6, 8, 10}, character = 16, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Generators", "ScratchMarks", "Stealth"}},
	{id = 104, name = "Pop Goes the Weasel"          , tName="Pim, Pam, Pum"                         , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 12, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Generators", "Hooks", "RegressionPenalty"}},
	{id = 170, name = "Power Struggle"               , tName="Lucha Intensa"                         , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {35, 30, 25}, character = 24, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Pallets", "Stun", "Wiggling"}},
	{id = 55,  name = "Predator"                     , tName="Depredación"                           , baseLevel = 1, values = {"slightly", "moderately", "considerably"}, character = 2, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"ScratchMarks"}},
	{id = 26,  name = "Premonition"                  , tName="Premonición"                           , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {60, 45, 30}, charType = 'S', tags = {"Warning"}},
	{id = 35,  name = "Prove Thyself"                , tName="Demuestra lo que Vales"                , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {50, 75, 100}, character = 1, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BonusBloodpoints", "Generators"}},
	{id = 43,  name = "Quick & Quiet"                , tName="Velocidad Silenciosa"                  , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {30, 25, 20}, character = 2, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Lockers", "LoudNoise", "Stealth", "Vaulting"}},
	{id = 110, name = "Rancor"                       , tName="Rencor"                                , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {5, 4, 3}, character = 13, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "AuraFlareUp", "Exposed", "Generators", "Killing", "Obsession"}},
	{id = 151, name = "Red Herring"                  , tName="Bulo"                                  , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 21, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Deception", "Generators", "Lockers", "LoudNoise"}},
	{id = 91,  name = "Remember Me"                  , tName="Recuérdame"                            , baseLevel = 2, units = {3}, values = {8 , 12, 16}, character = 10, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "ExitGates", "Obsession"}},
	{id = 158, name = "Repressed Alliance"                                                           , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 22, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "Generators"}},
	{id = 27,  name = "Resilience"                   , tName="Resiliencia"                           , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {3, 6, 9}, charType = 'S', tags = {"ActionSpeed"}},
	{id = 65,  name = "Save the Best for Last"       , tName="Lo Mejor para el Final"                , baseLevel = 3, units = {8}, values = {4, 3, 2}, character = 5, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"AttackCooldown", "Obsession", "Tokens"}},
	{id = 39,  name = "Saboteur"                     , tName="Sabotear"                              , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {90, 75, 60}, character = 4, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Auras", "Hooks", "Sabotage"}},
	{id = 140, name = "Second Wind"                  , tName="Segundo Aliento"                       , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {34, 32, 30}, character = 19, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Broken", "Healing", "Hooks"}},
	{id = 56,  name = "Shadowborn"                   , tName="Hijo de las Sombras"                   , baseLevel = 3, units = {10}, values = {9, 12, 15}, character = 2, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"FOV"}},
	{id = 38,  name = "Self-Care"                    , tName="Autocuración"                          , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 3, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Efficiency", "Healing"}},
	{id = 28,  name = "Slippery Meat"                , tName="Carne Resbaladiza"                     , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {15, 20, 25}, charType = 'S', tags = {"Chance", "EscapeAttempts", "Hooks"}},
	{id = 15,  name = "Sloppy Butcher"               , tName="Carnicero Chapucero"                   , baseLevel = 1, values = {"slightly", "moderately", "considerably"}, charType = 'K', tags = {"Haemorrhage", "Mangled", "PoolsOfBlood"}},
	{id = 29,  name = "Small Game"                   , tName="Caza Menor"                            , baseLevel = 1, units = {4, 1}, values = {8, 10, 12, 15, 12, 10}, charType = 'S', tags = {"KillerTraps", "Totems", "Warning"}},
	{id = 50,  name = "Sole Survivor"                , tName="Solo Quedo Yo"                         , baseLevel = 2, units = {4}, values = {20, 22, 24}, character = 6, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Stealth"}},
	{id = 123, name = "Solidarity"                   , tName="Solidaridad"                           , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {40, 45, 50}, character = 16, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Conversion", "Healing"}},
	{id = 156, name = "Soul Guard"                   , tName="Salvaguarda de Alma"                   , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {4, 6, 8}, character = 22, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Cursed", "DeepWound", "Endurance"}},
	{id = 16,  name = "Spies from the Shadows"       , tName="Espías de las Sombras"                 , baseLevel = 3, units = {4}, values = {20, 28, 36}, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Auras"}},
	{id = 30,  name = "Spine Chill"                  , tName="Escalofríos"                           , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {2, 4, 6}, charType = 'S', tags = {"ActionSpeed", "SkillChecks", "Warning"}},
	{id = 108, name = "Spirit Fury"                  , tName="Furia Espiritual"                      , baseLevel = 1, units = {9}, values = {4, 3, 2}, character = 13, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Pallets"}},
	{id = 44,  name = "Sprint Burst"                 , tName="Esprint"                               , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 2, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Exhaustion", "Haste"}},
	{id = 101, name = "Stake Out"                    , tName="Bajo Vigilancia"                       , baseLevel = 3, units = {8}, values = {2, 3, 4}, character = 12, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"SkillChecks", "TerrorRadius", "Tokens"}},
	{id = 47,  name = "Streetwise"                   , tName="Con Calle"                             , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {15, 20, 25}, character = 5, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Efficiency"}},
	{id = 60,  name = "Stridor"                      , tName="Aliento"                               , baseLevel = 1, units = {5, 5}, values = {25, 50, 50, 0, 0, 25}, character = 4, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"GruntsOfPain"}},
	{id = 132, name = "Surge"                        , tName="Sobretensión"                          , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {60, 50, 40}, character = 17, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Generators", "Regression", "RegressionPenalty"}},
	{id = 97,  name = "Surveillance"                 , tName="Supervisión"                           , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {8, 12, 16}, character = 11, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Generators"}},
	{id = 75,  name = "Technician"                   , tName="Pericia Técnica"                       , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 9, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"ActionNoise", "Generators", "RegressionPenalty", "SkillChecks"}},
	{id = 99,  name = "Tenacity"                     , tName="Tenacidad"                             , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {30, 40, 50}, character = 12, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"MovementSpeed", "Recovering"}},
	{id = 84,  name = "Territorial Imperative"       , tName="Instinto Territorial"                  , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {30, 25, 20}, character = 8, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Basement"}},
	{id = 61,  name = "Thanatophobia"                , tName="Tanatofobia"                           , baseLevel = 2, units = {5, 5}, values = {3, 3.5, 4, 12, 14, 16}, character = 4, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"ActionSpeed"}},
	{id = 31,  name = "This Is Not Happening"        , tName="Esto No Puede Estar Pasando"           , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {10, 20, 30}, charType = 'S', tags = {"SkillChecks"}},
	{id = 130, name = "Thrilling Tremors"            , tName="Temblores Trepidantes"                 , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {100, 80, 60}, character = 16, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Blocking", "Generators"}},
	{id = 59,  name = "Tinkerer"                     , tName="Manitas"                               , baseLevel = 3, units = {1}, values = {12, 14, 16}, character = 3, charType = 'K', level = 40, tags = {"Deception", "Generators", "LoudNoise", "Stealth", "Undetectable"}},
	{id = 5,   name = "Tough Runner"                                                                 , baseLevel = 1, values = {"Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown"}, charType = 'S', unused = true},
	{id = 154, name = "Trail of Torment"             , tName="Rastro de Tormento"                    , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {80, 70, 60}, character = 20, charType = 'K', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "Deception", "Generators", "Stealth", "Undetectable"}},
	{id = 6,   name = "Underperform"                                                                 , baseLevel = 1, values = {"Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown"}, charType = 'K', unused = true},
	{id = 53,  name = "Unnerving Presence"           , tName="Presencia Perturbadora"                , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {40, 50, 60}, character = 1, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"SkillChecks", "TerrorRadius"}},
	{id = 74,  name = "Unbreakable"                  , tName="Inquebrantable"                        , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {25, 30, 35}, character = 8, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Recovering", "RecoverySpeed"}},
	{id = 17,  name = "Unrelenting"                  , tName="Implacable"                            , baseLevel = 2, units = {5, 5}, values = {20, 25, 30}, charType = 'K', tags = {"AttackCooldown"}},
	{id = 68,  name = "Up the Ante"                  , tName="Subir las Apuestas"                    , baseLevel = 3, units = {5}, values = {1, 2, 3}, character = 7, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Luck"}},
	{id = 46,  name = "Urban Evasion"                , tName="Evasión Urbana"                        , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {90, 95, 100}, character = 5, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"MovementSpeed"}},
	{id = 95,  name = "Vigil"                        , tName="Vigilia"                               , baseLevel = 2, units = {5}, values = {10, 15, 20}, character = 11, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Blindness", "Exhaustion", "Haemorrhage", "Hindered", "Mangled", "RecoverySpeed"}},
	{id = 162, name = "Visionary"                    , tName="Visión de Futuro"                      , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {20, 18, 16}, character = 23, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "Generators"}},
	{id = 93,  name = "Wake Up!"                     , tName="¡Despierta!"                           , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {5, 10, 15}, character = 11, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Auras", "ExitGates"}},
	{id = 32,  name = "We'll Make It"                , tName="Lo Conseguiremos"                      , baseLevel = 2, units = {1}, values = {30, 60, 90}, charType = 'S', tags = {"ActionSpeed", "Healing"}},
	{id = 81,  name = "We're Gonna Live Forever"     , tName="Vamos a Vivir para Siempre"            , baseLevel = 1, units = {5}, values = {50, 75, 100}, character = 10, charType = 'S', level = 30, tags = {"ActionSpeed", "BonusBloodpoints", "Healing", "ProtectionHits"}},
	{id = 18,  name = "Whispers"                     , tName="Murmullos"                             , baseLevel = 3, units = {4}, values = {48, 40, 32}, charType = 'K', tags = {"Warning"}},
	{id = 106, name = "Windows of Opportunity"       , tName="Oportunidades"                         , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {30, 25, 20}, character = 13, charType = 'S', level = 35, tags = {"Auras", "BreakableWalls", "Pallets", "VaultLocations"}},
	{id = 141, name = "Zanshin Tactics"              , tName="Tácticas de Zanshin"                   , baseLevel = 1, units = {1}, values = {40, 35, 30}, character = 18, charType = 'K', level = 30, tags = {"Auras", "BreakableWalls", "Pallets", "VaultLocations"}}

perkDescription = {
		id = 62,
		desc = { --The first one remains only Description as the current one
				"Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability." .. nlp ..
				"The " .. iconLink("Auras") .. " of Survivors who are healing or being healed are revealed to you when they are within a range of #pl(1)." .. nlp ..
				i(clr(9, "\"Still attached to the fragments of her past life, she is drawn to those in need of help.\"")) .. nlp
		history = {
			{	--any other in list needs copy of perk record, then the old description (if changed)
				changed = "1.1.2", --Patch when these values were changed into current ones or next change
				adjust = "Nerf", --Nerf/Buff/Change
				notice = "reduced Aura-reading ranges to #pl(1) metres.", --the text itself
				before = {id = 62,  name = "A Nurse's Calling"            , baseLevel = 3, units = {4}, values = {20, 26, 32}, character = 4, charType = 'K', tags = {"Aura"}}
		teachDesc = {
			b(clr(11, "Unlocking this Perk makes it available in the Bloodweb of all Killers")) .. nlp ..
			"Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability." .. nlp ..
			"The Auras of Survivors who are healing or being healed are revealed to you when they are within a range of " .. b(clr(13, "several metres")) .. dot .. nlp ..
			i(clr(9, "\"Still attached to the fragments of her past life, she is drawn to those in need of help.\"")) .. nlp
			--b(clr(12, "May be unlocked in the Shrine of Secrets or in The Nurse's Bloodweb at") .. " " .. clr(6, "Level 40") .. dot) -- DON'T INCLUDE THIS ROW
		id = 66,
		desc = {
				"Lady Luck always seems to be throwing something good your way." .. nlp ..
				"When retrieving an " .. iconLink("Item") .. " from a " ..iconLink("Chest") .. ", there is a " .. b(clr(2, "100 %")) .. " chance that an " .. iconLink("Add-on") .. " of " .. b(clr(4, "Very Rare")) .. " Rarity or lower will be attached to it." .. nlp ..
				"There is a #pl(1) chance to find a second Add-on of " .. b(clr(2, "Uncommon")) .. " Rarity or lower." .. nlp ..
				i("Ace in the Hole") .. " allows you to keep any Add-ons your Item has equipped upon escaping." .. nlp ..
				i(clr(9, "\"Everything that glitters isn't gold. But gold isn't worth a damn in this place, so this should come in handy.\" — Ace Visconti")) .. nlp
		history = {},
		id = 42,
		desc = {
				"You are fuelled by unexpected energy when on the verge of escape." .. nlp ..
				b(clr(2, "Instantly heal one")) .. space .. iconLink("Health State") .. " and sprint at " .. b(clr(6, "150 %")) .. " of your normal Running speed for " .. b(clr(8, "5 seconds")) .. " when the " .. iconLink("Exit Gates") .. " are powered." .. nlp ..
				i("Adrenaline") .. " is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed." .. nlp ..
				"If playing against The " .. iconLink("Nightmare") .. comma .. space .. i("Adrenaline") .. " will wake you from the [[Dream World]] upon activation." .. nlp ..
				i("Adrenaline") .. " ignores an existing " .. iconLink("Exhaustion") .. " timer." .. nlp ..
				i("Adrenaline") .. " triggers the " .. b(i("Exhausted") .. space .. "Status Effect") .. " for #pl(1)." .. nlp ..
				"You do not recover from " .. b("Exhaustion") .. " while running." .. nlp
		history = {},
		id = 118,
		desc = {
				"Unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability." .. nlp ..
				"You see the " .. iconLink("Aura") .. " of every Survivor that:" .. nl ..
				bullet .. "You rescued you from a " .. iconLink("Hook") .. " or who rescued you from one." .. nl ..
				bullet .. "You completed a Healing action on or who completed one on you." .. nlp ..
				"This occurs for up to #pl(1) and they will also see your Aura." .. nlp ..
				"All effects of " ..i("Aftercare") .. " are reset upon being hooked by The Killer." .. nlp ..
				i(clr(9, "\" 'A Mercy That Rips The Storm'" .. nl ..
					"Oil work to honour my best buddies who happen to be the best musicians I know." .. nl ..
					"Their first album is still my favourite." .. nl ..
					"It got me through a dark time in my life.\" — Jeff, oil on canvas, 16x16")) .. nlp
		history = {},
		id = 51,
		desc = {
				"You get excited in anitcipation of hooking your prey." .. nlp ..
				"Increases your [[Movement speed]] while carrying Survivors by #pl(1)." .. nlp ..
				"While carrying a Survivor, your " .. iconLink("Terror Radius") .. " is increased by " .. b(clr(2, "12 metres")) .. dot .. nlp ..
				i(clr(9, "\"At some point, the excitement of hooking one of us becomes more important than the desire to kill us.\" — Unknown (potentially [[Benedict Baker]])")) .. nlp
		history = {},
		id = 76,
		desc = {
				"Your acute senses are on high alert." .. nlp ..
				"Whenever the Killer destroys a " .. iconLink("Breakable Wall") .. " or a " .. iconLink("Pallet") .. ", or damages a " .. iconLink("Generator") .. ", their " .. iconLink("Aura") .. " is revealed to you for #pl(1)." .. nlp ..
				i(clr(9, "\"I have true sight.\" — Feng Min")) .. nlp
		history = {
				changed = "1.5.2c",
				adjust = "Buff",
				notice = "increased the time the Killer's Aura is revealed to the Survivor to " .. clr(6, "6 seconds") .. dot,
				before = {id = 76,  name = "Alert"            , baseLevel = 3, units = {4, 1}, values = {12, 24, 36, 60, 45, 30}, character = 9, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Auras"}},
				text = "Your acute senses are on high alert. When the Killer performs the break action within '''#pl(1)  of range, the Killer's Aura is revealed to you for '''{{clr|2|3 seconds}}'''. This effect can only be triggered once every #pl(2)."
				changed = "2.3.0", 
				adjust = {"Buff", "Buff", "Nerf"},
				notice = {"Alert now has an unlimited range.", b("Alert") .. " removed the cool-down.", b("Alert") .. " now reveals the Aura for 3/4/5 seconds."},
				before = {id = 76,  name = "Alert"            , baseLevel = 3, units = {4, 1}, values = {12, 24, 36, 60, 45, 30}, character = 9, charType = 'S', level = 40, tags = {"Auras"}},
				text = "Your acute senses are on high alert. When the Killer performs the break action within '''#pl(1)  of range, the Killer's Aura is revealed to you for '''{{clr|2|6 seconds}}'''. This effect can only be triggered once every #pl(2)."