Dead by Daylight Wiki

Enfurecimiento es una Habilidad IconHelp perks Enseñable de (asesino o superviviente desconocido).

Icono Nivel 1 Nivel 2 Nivel 3
3 % 3.5 % 4 %
4.000 IconHelp bloodpoints 4.000 IconHelp bloodpoints 5.000 IconHelp bloodpoints
The increased pressure of losing your preys fills you with anger and gives you unsuspected motivation. Each time the Survivors complete repairs on a Generator IconHelpLoading generators, Fire Up grows in power and grants speed bonus to pick up, drop, Pallet break, Generator break and vaults.
  • 2 Tokens: Receive 3/3.5/4 % action speed bonus.
  • 3 Tokens: Receive {{{4}}}/{{{5}}}/{{{6}}} action speed bonus.
  • 4 Tokens: Receive {{{7}}}/{{{8}}}/{{{9}}} action speed bonus.

"Now why don't you just fucking die?" — Freddy Krueger

Icono Enseñable Descripción
Teachable fireUp
3 %
3.5 %
4 %

Si desbloqueas esta Habilidad, estará disponible en la Red de Sangre de los demás Personajes.

The increased pressure of losing your preys fills you with anger and gives you unsuspected motivation. Each time the Survivors complete repairs on a Generator IconHelpLoading generators, Fire Up grows in power and grants speed bonus to pick up, drop, Pallet break, Generator break and vaults.
  • 2 Tokens: Receive 3/3.5/4 % action speed bonus.
  • 3 Tokens: Receive {{{4}}}/{{{5}}}/{{{6}}} action speed bonus.
  • 4 Tokens: Receive {{{7}}}/{{{8}}}/{{{9}}} action speed bonus.

"Now why don't you just fucking die?" — Freddy Krueger

5.000 IconHelp bloodpoints


Efectos en Destrucción Palés[]

Percentage of Fire Up Destroying Pallet Time With Brutal Strength Tier III
0% 2.60 segundos 2.16 segundos
6% 2.45 segundos 2.04 segundos
8% 2.40 segundos 2.01 segundos
10% 2.36 segundos 1.98 segundos
12% 2.32 segundos 1.94 segundos
14% 2.28 segundos 1.91 segundos

Efectos en Patear Generadores[]

Percentage of Fire Up Kick Generator Time With Brutal Strength Tier III
0% 2.00 segundos 1.60 segundos
6% 1.88 segundos 1.50 segundos
8% 1.84 segundos 1.47 segundos
10% 1.80 segundos 1.44 segundos
12% 1.76 segundos 1.41 segundos
14% 1.72 segundos 1.38 segundos

Effects on Vaulting Windows[]

Percentage of Fire Up Window Vault Time With Bamboozle Tier III
0% 1.70 segundos 1.45 segundos
6% 1.60 segundos 1.36 segundos
8% 1.56 segundos 1.33 segundos
10% 1.53 segundos 1.30 segundos
12% 1.50 segundos 1.27 segundos
14% 1.46 segundos 1.24 segundos

Effects on Vaulting Windows with The Shape With Tier III Evil Within[]

Percentage of Fire Up Window Vault Time
0% 1.25 segundos
6% 1.18 segundos
8% 1.16 segundos
10% 1.14 segundos
12% 1.12 segundos
14% 1.1 segundos