Dead by Daylight Wiki
"Whether Killers perform their heinous acts by the compulsions of their diseased minds, or if they are forced into them by external pressures, has long been a matter of debate. But for one Killer, nature and nurture are inextricably linked. Leatherface kills not from a desire to exert his will over others, to satisfy carnal urges, or even to quiet the voices in his head. He kills because he is scared. Scared that others will hurt him; scared that his family will be displeased with him, scared that their shared willingness to eat human flesh will be discovered."
~ Unknown (Potentially Benedict Baker)
El Caníbal
CA charSelect portrait
Bubba Sawyer
(no oficial: Granja Coldwind)
Motosierra de Bubba
The Sledge
115% | 4.6m/s
Velocidad de Movimiento
115-132.25 % |
4.6-5.29 m/s (Chainsaw Sweep)
32 metros
Altura Unknown QuestionMark
Actor de voz
Filip Ivanovic (Director de Arte)
Referencia interna
Slasher Character 09

Bubba Sawyer or "Leatherface" / "The Cannibal" is one of 33 Killers IconHelpLoading killer currently featured in Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo.

He was introduced with PARAGRAPH II: LEATHERFACE™, a Paragraph DLC released on 14 September 2017.

He originates from the 1974 Horror Movie franchise The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Visión General

The Cannibal is a chainsaw-wielding Killer, able to trigger a deadly frenzy using his Power, immediately downing anyone in its path.

His personal Perks, Knock Out IconPerks knockOut, Barbecue & Chilli IconPerks barbecueAndChilli, and Franklin's Demise IconPerks franklinsDemise, make Survivors easier to locate while robbing them of their tools and abilities.

His Perks revolve around the unknown. Nobody knows where anyone is, especially The Cannibal himself. You are not aware of his presence until his Chainsaw bursts through your spinal cord.

Difficulty rating: Easy (Developer & Community)
(based on the amount of time and effort that is required to properly learn to play him and use his Power effectively)


CA charPreview

Whether killers perform their heinous acts by the compulsions of their diseased minds, or if they are forced into them by external pressures, has long been a matter of debate. But for one killer, nature and nurture are inextricably linked.

Leatherface kills not from a desire to exert his will over others, to satisfy carnal urges, or even to quiet the voices in his head. He kills because he is scared. Scared that others will hurt him; scared that his family will be displeased with him, scared that their shared willingness to eat human flesh will be discovered.

He does as he is told. His family loves him and that is all that matters. Outsiders are a threat, and threats need to be dealt with.

Like those kids that came into the house, uninvited. Walked in like they owned the place. Looked around the house, trying to find out his family’s secrets, no doubt. But Leatherface deals with them, and protects his family just as he’s been taught.

He is not just protector, he has many roles, and each role has its own face. He serves dinner, cares for the family, and dresses well when they eat. His Grandpa and Ma used to care for them all, but Grandpa, he is old now and Ma has been still for a while, so Leatherface and his brothers had to take over. Family is everything to him. Family is security and safety.

But, even though he did his best, one of the kids got away. He tried to stop her, chasing after her as fast as he could, but she had help: another outsider, driving a truck. The evil trucker killed his brother, ran him over like he was a possum. In a fury, Leatherface leapt at him, the saw ready to avenge his family, but the trucker was too quick. He knocked Leatherface aside and turned his own saw against him.

As he watched the outsiders driving away, the rage, grief and pain combined with the worry about what would happen to his family now. They would surely return with the police, and the police would take his brothers, his Grandpa. Without them, what would he do? Without their commands, he would wither and die.

As his world collapsed, Leatherface spun in circles, swinging the saw all around, trying to fight off the myriad external threats that surrounded him.

Then another feeling overtook him. It came from outside his vision, crawling over his skin with cold dread. He realised that no matter what outsiders could do to him, there was something worse, something bigger that lived in the shadows. He was filled with a terror unlike any he had ever felt before. But it was almost comforting, like the fear he'd felt with his family. The fear of disappointing them.

He was brought to a place that was familiar but unknowable, and he instinctively knew what he had to do. He couldn't fail it, the way he had his family. Outsiders would come but he would use his skills to overcome any threats. There would be screaming, but he could make the world quiet again. Until the only sound remaining was the blessed howl of the saw.

Let the outsiders come.

Habilidades de El Caníbal

These are Perks which start off only appearing in The Cannibal's Bloodweb IconHelp bloodweb. After achieving Level 30, Teachable versions of these Perks can be found:

  • Knock Out - Level 30
  • Barbecue & Chilli - Level 35
  • Franklin's Demise - Level 40

Once obtained, other Killers will be able to find The Cannibal's Perks in their respective Bloodwebs from that point onwards.

Knock Out El trauma causado por tus brutales ataques hace que pedir ayuda sea extremadamente difícil. Los supervivientes agonizantes no se revelan a los demás mientras permanezcan a más de 32/24/16 metros de alcance.

"Esa pistola no sirve. A la antigua usanza... ¡con una almendra! Así es mejor. Así mueren mejor". — Nubbins Sawyer

Barbecue & Chilli Un profundo vínculo con el Ente IconHelp entity te permite percibir auras. Tras colgar a un Superviviente, podrás ver el Aura IconHelp auras del resto durante 4 segundos si están a más de 40 metros de distancia del Gancho IconHelpLoading hook.
  • Cada vez que cuelgas a un Superviviente por primera vez, consigues un multiplicador acumulable de Puntos de Sangre del 25 % hasta un máximo del 50/75/100 %.
  • Esta bonificación solo se concede después de la partida.

"Matar no me produce ningún placer. Hay cosas que uno tiene que hacer, sin más. No tienen por qué gustarte". — Drayton Sawyer

Franklin's Demise Tus violentos ataques hacen que los supervivientes suelten el Objeto IconHelp items que llevan. Al caer, el objeto queda dañado y pierde un 0/5/10 % de la base de cargas.

"Sally, oigo algo. ¡Para! ¡Para!" — Franklin


Weapon: The Sledge

CA W01

The Sledge is the Primary Weapon of The Cannibal. The Sledge might be old-fashioned but it is still the fastest and cleanest way to put down cattle.

  • When he gets a successful hit to a Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor, The Cannibal will shake the blood off of his Weapon.
  • When he's about to perform his Memento Mori IconHelp mementoMori , he first hits the Survivor in the head with his Weapon, then lowers it before revving up Bubba's Chainsaw.

Power: Bubba's Chainsaw

Plantilla:Bubba's Chainsaw

Curiosidades del Poder

  • The fixed Recharge rate is set to 0.25 c/s (may be changed with Add-ons).
    • It therefore takes 4 seconds to replenish 1 Charge.
  • A Chainsaw Dash lasts for 2 seconds by default (may be increased with Add-ons).
  • Cool-downs for a successful or missed Chainsaw Sweep attack are 2 seconds and 1.5 seconds respectively.
    • The maximum cool-down time is capped at 4.5 seconds.
  • The Tantrum lasts for 5 seconds by default (may be changed with Add-ons).
    • The maximum Tantrum duration is capped at 8 seconds.

Add-ons for Bubba's Chainsaw

Add-ons support Mouse-over functionality (desktop version only): hovering over the modifier words with your cursor will reveal the values behind them.

Plantilla:Add-ons: Bubba's Chainsaw (Cannibal)


Artículo principal: Logros

There are currently 2 Achievements related to The Cannibal.

Icono Nombre Descripción
Ach adeptCannibal
Adept Cannibal Obtén una Victoria Despiadada con El Caníbal IconHelpLoading cannibal usando solo sus 3 Habilidades Únicas en una partida pública: Noqueo IconPerks knockOut, Barbacoa y Chile IconPerks barbecueAndChilli y Muerte de Franklin IconPerks franklinsDemise.
Ach butcherin
Butcherin' With The Cannibal IconHelpLoading cannibal, successfully chainsaw a total of 100 Survivors IconHelpLoading survivor.


Players may customise their Character by choosing one outfit style from each category. Blood-stained attire is obtained after The Cannibal reaches Level 50 and prestiges.

The Cannibal has 4 unique Customisation options based on the four original Survivors, Dwight, Meg, Claudette, and Jake.
In order to unlock them, The Cannibal must sacrifice a face's respective Survivor a total of 25 times (kills and bleed-outs do not count).

The Cannibal's attire includes:


Plantilla:Cannibal's Default Cosmetics


Plantilla:Cannibal's Prestige Cosmetics


Main article: Downloadable Content

The Cannibal is currently part of 1 DLC package:

Available DLC



Up to Patch 4.1.0

Press and hold the Power button to charge the Chainsaw:

  • Start a timed Chainsaw Sweep upon activation.
    • Can hit multiple Survivors in one Chainsaw Sweep.
  • The Chainsaw Sweep stops automatically after 7 swings or upon bumping into an object.
    • Bumping into an object forces The Cannibal into a Tantrum, whereupon he wildly swings his Chainsaw around.
  • Survivors hit by Bubba's Chainsaw are automatically put victims into the Dying State IconHelp dying.

Power Trivia:

  • Bubba's Chainsaw has default charge and cool-down times of 2 seconds.
  • The Cannibal's Tantrum has a default duration of 5 seconds.
  • The Chainsaw Noise can be heard within 60 metres.

Change Log

Patch 4.1.0

  • Reworked Bubba's Chainsaw IconPowers bubbasChainsaw and the majority of its Add-ons IconHelp addons.


  • Dead by Daylight's Leatherface is based off the Killer mask Leatherface from the 1974 movie The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
    • The name Bubba Sawyer originated from the 1986 sequel The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, which is a direct sequel to the original movie.
  • The Cannibal is the fourth licensed Character to be introduced to Dead by Daylight.
    • He is the second licensed Killer to be introduced.
  • The Hillbilly IconHelpLoading hillbilly is said to be based directly on Leatherface and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise, explaining their similarities in looks and abilities.
  • The Cannibal is one few Killers that can instantly put Survivors into the Dying State IconHelp dying without any Perks IconHelp perks or Add-ons IconHelp addons.
  • During a Tantrum, The Cannibal's speed is reduced to about that of the Nurse when she is warp fatigued.
  • The Cannibal's Memento Mori animation was the first one in which the Survivor attempts to get up on their own.
  • The Cannibal's Memento Mori is a reference to Kirk's death in the original film.
  • The Cannibal is the fourth Killer to wear face masks.
  • The Cannibal is one of the most human-looking Killers in the game, as he doesn't have any unnatural alterations to his appearance like most of the other Killers.
  • The Cannibal is one of just two Killers without an associated Realm, though unofficially, and due to his promotion-material featuring him in it, the Coldwind Farm can be considered his associated Realm.


Para más, diríjase a la Galería del Caníbal (en inglés)

LOS SUPERVIVIENTES IconHelpLoading survivor
DF charSelect portrait Dwight Fairfield NK charSelect portrait Nea Karlsson FM charSelect portrait Feng Min GS charSelect portrait Kate Denson AW charSelect portrait Ash Williams
MT charSelect portrait Meg Thomas LS charSelect portrait Laurie Strode DK charSelect portrait David King HS charSelect portrait Adam Francis QF charSelect portrait Nancy Wheeler
CM charSelect portrait Claudette Morel AV charSelect portrait Ace Visconti ES charSelect portrait Quentin Smith KS charSelect portrait Jeff Johansen QM charSelect portrait Steve Harrington
JP charSelect portrait Jake Park BO charSelect portrait Bill Overbeck FS charSelect portrait David Tapp MS charSelect portrait Jane Romero SS charSelect portrait Yui Kimura
US charSelect portrait Zarina Kassir
WS charSelect portrait Cheryl Mason
LOS ASESINOS IconHelpLoading killer
TR charSelect portrait El Trampero IconHelpLoading trapper - Evan MacMillan NR charSelect portrait La Enfermera IconHelpLoading nurse - Sally Smithson DO charSelect portrait El Doctor IconHelpLoading doctor - Herman Carter EK charSelect portrait La Pesadilla IconHelpLoading nightmare - Freddy Krueger HK charSelect portrait El Espíritu IconHelpLoading spirit - Rin Yamaoka
WR charSelect portrait El Espectro IconHelpLoading wraith - Philip Ojomo SH charSelect portrait La Forma IconHelpLoading shape - Michael Myers BE charSelect portrait La Cazadora IconHelpLoading huntress - Anna FK charSelect portrait La Cerda IconHelpLoading pig - Amanda Young KK charSelect portrait La Legión IconHelpLoading legion - Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey
HB charSelect portrait El Pueblerino IconHelpLoading hillbilly - Max Thompson Jr. HA charSelect portrait La Bruja IconHelpLoading hag - Lisa Sherwood CA charSelect portrait El Caníbal IconHelpLoading cannibal - Bubba "Junior" Sawyer GK charSelect portrait El Payaso IconHelpLoading clown - Kenneth "Jeffrey Hawk" Chase MK charSelect portrait La Plaga IconHelpLoading plague - Adiris
OK charSelect portrait Ghost Face IconHelpLoading ghost - Danny "Jed Olsen" Johnson UK charSelect portrait El Arponero IconHelpLoading deathslinger - Caleb Quinn
QK charSelect portrait El Demogorgon IconHelpLoading demogorgon WK charSelect portrait El Verdugo IconHelpLoading wales - Pyramid Head
SK charSelect portrait El Oni IconHelpLoading oni - Kazan Yamaoka
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