Dead by Daylight Wiki
IconHelp addons

Los Accesorios son un añadido a los Poderes del Asesino y los Objetos de los Supervivientes.

En la actualidad hay un total de 298 Accesorios en Dead by Daylight IconHelp DBDlogo:

  • 96 Comunes Add-ons
  • 127 Uncommon Add-ons
  • 111 Raros Add-ons
  • 86 Muy Raros Add-ons
  • 43 Ultra Raros Add-ons

Visión General

El jugador puede equipar hasta dos accesorios para un objeto (superviviente) o un poder (asesino).

Para Asesinos, Los complementos son de un solo uso y se pierden después de que finalice la partida. Sin embargo, pueden ser conservados quemando la ofrenda de Defensa Negra IconFavors blackWard.

Para los Supervivientes, el perder o no sus Accesorios depende de la situación.

Los accesorios se conservan bajo la siguiente circunstancia:

  • Escapando de la partida con el objeto en el que tienes los Accesorios equipados.

Los Accesorios se pierden bajo las siguientes circunstancias:

  • Muriendo durante la partida. A menos que hayamos utilizado una ofrenda de Guardián Blanco IconFavors whiteWard.
  • Des-conexión por abandono de la partida.
  • Perder/Consumir el objeto en el que tienes los accesorios equipados durante la partida.

Los complementos están vinculados al Artículo de Sobreviviente, por lo que si recoges otro Artículo de Sobreviviente, también recibirás los complementos equipados en ese Artículo (necesarios para el logro del Buitre).

Series de accesorios

Main article: Add-on Series

Los asesinos tienden a tener series de Accesorios, varios Accesorios con efectos similares, que aumentan en efectividad y potencia cuanto más alta es su rareza.

Accesorios en los cofres

Utilizando la habilidad de As en la Manga IconPerks aceInTheHole, el Superviviente encontrará Objetos IconHelp items con Accesorios adjuntos.


Algunos accesorios se apilan con otros que afectan de igual forma al Poder de un Asesino o a los Objetos de los Supervivientes.

Accesorios para los Poderes de los Asesinos

Trampa para Osos

TR charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers trap
Trampa para Osos
Las Trampas para Osos es el poder principal de El Trampero y también su arma secundaria: Las trampas para osos se encuentran en el suelo alrededor del mapa. Pueden ser recogidos y armadas en cualquier lugar. Las trampas no se arman hasta que se recogen y se colocan. El Trampero comienza la partida con una sola trampa en sus manos, y sólo puede llevar una a la vez a menos que se utilicen accesorios.

"Un gran cepo hecho de acero."
Plantilla:Add-ons: Bear Trap (Trapper)

Catalizador ennegrecido

HA charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers blackenedCatalyst
Catalizador Ennegrecido
El Catalizador Ennegrecido es el poder principal de La Bruja: Se inclina y moldea el barro a su voluntad. Con simples dibujos de rituales, crea copias engañosas de sí misma hechas de barro y putrefacción que puede utilizar de diversas formas.

"La fuente de poder de la Bruja, un dedo ennegrecido que emplea como catalizador de su terrible poder."
Plantilla:Add-ons: Blackened Catalyst (Hag)

Motosierra de Bubba

CA charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers bubbasChainsaw
Motosierra de Bubba
La Motosierra de Bubba es el poder principal de El Caníbal: comparte muchas características y accesorios con la Motosierra. Puede cargarla para iniciar un loco barrido, moviendo salvaje-mente su motosierra, dejando a cualquier superviviente que se encuentre lo suficiente cerca de el, en el Estado Agonizante. Puede alcanzar a múltiples objetivos con una sola carga.

"Una motosierra pesada e increíblemente potente."
Plantilla:Add-ons: Bubba's Chainsaw (Cannibal)

Chispa de Carter

DO charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers cartersSpark
Chispa de Carter
Chispa de Carter es el poder principal del Doctor: El Ente ha prendido una chispa corrupta e inagotable en el corazón del Doctor que le permite generar energía electro-convulsiva a su voluntad. Su trato dañino corrompe las mentes de aquellos a los que toca. Las víctimas conmocionadas por la chispa corrupta comienzan a perder la percepción de la realidad y, con múltiples exposiciones, sucumben inevitablemente a la locura.

"¿Se trata de un don o de una maldición?"
Plantilla:Add-ons: Carter's Spark (Doctor)


HB charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers chainsaw
La Motosierra es el poder principal del Pueblerino y también su arma secundaria: Una vez que se carga, induce a su usuario en un frenesí violento, corriendo a gran velocidad a través del mapa. El ruido se puede escuchar en todo el mapa, similar a la Campana Gimiente del Espectro. También se puede amortiguar con accesorios.

"Una motosierra enorme y letal, con una capacidad de destrucción aterradora."
Plantilla:Add-ons: Chainsaw (Hillbilly)

Demonio de los Sueños

FulliconPowers dreamDemon
Demonio de los Sueños
Dream Demon es el poder principal de The Nightmare: activar Dream Demon le permite atraer a sus víctimas al Mundo de los Sueños y atacarles.

"You have nothing to worry about. This won't hurt one... little... bit." — Freddy Krueger"
Icon Name Disponible Rareza Description
FulliconAddon woolShirt
Wool Shirt
A small boy's orange and yellow striped shirt. Identified with a sewn name tag to "Jesse".

Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the Regression penalty of failed Repairing and Healing Skill Checks IconHelp skillChecks by +4 %.
FulliconAddon sheepBlock
Sheep Block
A white and blue wooden block depicting two woolly Lambs grazing and the letter "S".
  • Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Blindness IconStatusEffects vision Status Effect for 30 seconds.
FulliconAddon kidsDrawing
Kid's Drawing
An unattributed drawing clearly crafted by a young child.
  • Gain an extra 200 Bloodpoints in the Deviousness DailyRitualIcon deviousness Category when a Survivor triggers a Dream Snare.
  • Reduces the Movement Speed penalty of triggered Dream Snares by -10 %.
FulliconAddon gardenRake
Garden Rake
A small claw rake, a must have tool for any accomplished gardener.
  • Replaces Dream Snares with Dream Pallets.
  • Grants 7 Dream Tokens.
FulliconAddon prototypeClaws
Prototype Claws
Poco Común
A home-made tool to facilitate bush trimming.
  • Replaces Dream Snares with Dream Pallets.
  • Grants 7 Dream Tokens.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors interacting with Dream Pallets are revealed for 4 seconds.
FulliconAddon outdoorRope
Outdoor Rope
Poco Común
Sturdy outdoor rope, handy to tie up anything.

Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the audible range of Generator-Repair noises by +8 metres.
FulliconAddon nancysSketch
Nancy's Sketch
Poco Común
A crude and bold sketch made with Fusain, signed by Nancy H.
  • Reduces the Cool-down duration of Dream Projection by -2 % for each Survivor inside the Dream World.
FulliconAddon greenDress
Green Dress
Poco Común
A little girl's green dress with a silky white ribbon.

Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the Regression penalty of failed Repairing and Healing Skill Checks IconHelp skillChecks by +4 %.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors failing these Skill Checks are revealed for 3 seconds.
FulliconAddon catBlock
Cat Block
Poco Común
A white and purple wooden block depicting a sleeping Cat and the letter "C".
  • Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Haemorrhage Unknown QuestionMark Status Effect for 60 seconds.
FulliconAddon unicornBlock
Unicorn Block
A white and red wooden block depicting a prancing Unicorn and the letter "U".
  • Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Blindness IconStatusEffects vision Status Effect for 60 seconds.
FulliconAddon paintThinner
Paint Thinner
A tin of a highly volatile and inflammable material.
  • Replaces Dream Snares with Dream Pallets.
  • Grants 7 Dream Tokens.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors interacting with Dream Pallets are revealed for 6 seconds.
FulliconAddon nancysMasterpiece
Nancy's Masterpiece
A painting of a Character, made by Nancy Holbrook at Badham and kept as a treasure memory.
  • Reduces the Cool-down duration of Dream Projection by -3 % for each Survivor inside the Dream World.
Jump Rope
A long Double-Dutch jump rope, stained with many years of use.
  • Increases the volume of Survivors' Grunts of Pain by +50 %, if they are the Dream World.
FulliconAddon blueDress
Blue Dress
A little girl's pale blue dress with white lace which's front is ruined by large cuts.

Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Increases the Regression penalty of failed Repairing and Healing Skill Checks IconHelp skillChecks by +4 %.
  • The Auras IconHelp auras of Survivors failing these Skill Checks are revealed for 4 seconds.
FulliconAddon pillBottle
Pill Bottle
Muy Raro(a)
An empty pill bottle which once contained a medicine called "Zoneral".
  • Reduces the Distance range at which awake Survivors see The Nightmare intermittently to 12 to 24 metres.
  • The Nightmare is invisible to awake Survivors beyond 24 metres and when he is carrying another Survivor.
FulliconAddon swingChains
Swing Chains
Muy Raro(a)
Rusty, but sturdy chains used to securely attach a swing seat.

Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • The Footstep noises of Survivors are 50 % louder.
FulliconAddon classPhoto
Class Photo
Muy Raro(a)
A large photograph taken at Badham Preschool showing the cheerful class of '94-95.
  • Causes every Generator IconHelpLoading generators to spew blood while channelling Dream Projection and suppresses the Husk.
  • The Nightmare is unable to cancel Dream Projection once initiated.
FulliconAddon zBlock
"Z" Block
Muy Raro(a)
A deeply scratched and burnt wooden block which's only recognisable feature is the letter "Z".
  • Survivors interacting with a Dream Trap suffer from the Haemorrhage Unknown QuestionMark Status Effect for 90 seconds.
  • Healthy Survivors will leave Pools of Blood Unknown QuestionMark as if they were injured.
FulliconAddon redPaintBrush
Red Paint Brush
A large paint brush, wet with crimson paint.
  • Causes all Survivors to start the Trial inside the Dream World.
  • Survivors are unable to wake themselves up by failing Skill Checks IconHelp skillChecks.
FulliconAddon blackBox
Black Box
A black cardboard box filled with photographs.

Survivors inside the Dream World suffer from the following effects:

  • Recently opened Exit Gates IconHelp exitGates are blocked for 15 seconds.

Evil Within

SH charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers stalker1
Evil Within
Evil Within es el poder principal de The Shape: activar el mal interior le permite ver claramente a su presa e incrementar su poder maligno al acecharla.

"The darkness inside feeds his determination to take the life of his prey."
Plantilla:Add-ons: Evil Within (Shape)

Hunting Hatchets

BE charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers huntingHatchets
Hunting Hatchets
Hunting Hatchets are The Huntress' main Power and also her secondary weapons: charging up her Hatchets allows her to throw them at great speed at fleeing Survivors or use it as a ranged weapon to snipe Survivors from afar.

"A skill taught by her mother and mastered in the wild. The Huntress can throw Hatchets with deadly precision."
Plantilla:Add-ons: Hunting Hatchets (Huntress)

Jigsaw's Baptism

FK charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers jigsawsBaptism
Jigsaw's Baptism
Jigsaw's Baptism is The Pig's primary Power. It allows her to put Reverse Bear Traps onto dying Survivors, that will instantly sacrifice them once they trigger. She can ambush Survivors by crouching towards them and then dash forward.

""You will give everything to me, every cell in your body. The marks on your arms, they're from another life. We'll leave that life behind. When you walk down that corridor there is no turning back. Do you understand that?" — Jigsaw's Baptism
Plantilla:Add-ons: Jigsaw's Baptism (Pig)

Spencer's Last Breath

NR charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers breath
Spencer's Last Breath
Spencer's Last Breath is The Nurse's main Power: channelling its energy allows The Nurse to pierce and jump through the spirit world in a Blink multiple times in a row. Doing so leaves her in a state of fatigue.

"A powerful and violent last breath snatched from Crotus Prenn Asylum warden Patrick Spencer."
Plantilla:Add-ons: Spencer's Last Breath (Nurse)

The Afterpiece Tonic

GK charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers gasBomb
The Afterpiece Tonic
The Afterpiece Tonic is The Clown's main Power: throwing a bottle will release a cloud of intoxicating smoke once it breaks. Survivors passing through the cloud will be affected with blurred vision, slower movement speed and coughing fits, amongst various other afflictions based on the chosen Add-ons.
Plantilla:Add-ons: The Afterpiece Tonic (Clown)

Wailing Bell

WR charSelect portrait
FulliconPowers bell
Wailing Bell
The Wailing Bell is The Wraith's main Power: the Wailing Bell holds ancient powers, both with good and bad consequences. It allows its user to enter and walk the spirit world when rung. When cloaked, The Wraith has no Terror Radius, meaning that Survivors do not hear a heartbeat, and The Wraith's Stain is also gone. The Wraith walks moderately faster when cloaked, making up for his inability to interact while in this state. The sound of the Bell is very loud, but can only be heard at a close distance to The Wraith. The accompanying *wooosh* sound, indicating a full uncloak or cloak, is heard by those within 40 metres of range. The volume of the Bell can be reduced with Add-ons.

"A heavy cast iron bell imbued with ancient powers."
Plantilla:Add-ons: Wailing Bell (Wraith)

Add-ons for Survivor Items


IconItems flashlight
The Flashlight is an Item that is used to blind the Killer. If they are carrying a Survivor on their shoulder, getting blinded will make them drop that Survivor and be stunned for a few seconds.
The Flashlight is also very effective against three Killers, The Hag, The Wraith and The Nurse.

"Most of the battery life was wastefully used by the previous owner."
Plantilla:Add-ons: Flashlight


IconItems key
The Key is an Item that can be used to open the Hatch when it spawns. It can also be used with Add-ons to enhance its power and show the user different Auras, such as those of other Survivors in their vicinity or that of the Killer. The Broken Key cannot be used to open the Hatch and is of no use without Add-ons.
Plantilla:Add-ons: Key


IconItems map
The Map is an Item that is used to track and mark props in the World. The standard map can only track Generators, but can track different props as well with the use of Add-ons that enhance its power. You can even make the tracked Auras visible to other Survivors and create markers that look like a pillar of bright light.
Plantilla:Add-ons: Map


IconItems firstAidKit
The Med-Kit is an Item that is used to heal yourself and other Survivors. Other Survivors can also be healed without the use of a Med-Kit, but it takes considerably longer.
Without the use of Self-Care, a Survivor cannot heal themselves without one. Different Add-ons can be equipped that enhance its healing speed or durability.
Plantilla:Add-ons: Med-Kit


IconItems toolbox
The Toolbox is an Item that can be used to repair Generators more quickly or sabotage hooks. Different Toolboxes have different uses and not all of them are good for both uses. Add-ons can be equipped to enhance their speed and durability.

"It is unclear as to where these tools come from. Were they brought in by one of us or did they belong to one of the monsters?"
Plantilla:Add-ons: Toolbox

Decommissioned Add-ons

These Add-ons have been replaced with new Add-ons during an Add-on Pass and are no longer in use. Plantilla:Add-ons: Decommissioned

Unusued Add-ons

Plantilla:Add-ons: Unused

Ach adeptDwightAch adeptMeg Logros Ach adeptClaudetteAch adeptJake IconHelp addons Accesorios IconHelp dailyRituals Rituales Diarios IconHelp items Objetos IconHelp mysteryBox FP Cajas Misteriosas IconHelp offerings Ofrendas IconHelp perks Habilidades